Being fat is not always bad. The fat in some people is holding toxins so they don't leave and acidify the vital organs. Having a lot of fat on the body might make someone look flabby but it can be a good thing if someone remains toxic. 

The Health Bounce (jumping and landing on the heels without barely leaving the mat) doesn't really "burn" fat but it drains the lymphatic system which the fat cells are holding. Weight loss is lost in a different way than most people understand unless they know how the lymphatic system works.
TiP: Losing too much fat too quickly with rebounding can put the body out of homeostasis and toxins can acidify the body.
Many of my customers say that the Cellerciser makes them itch, some even said that it feels like mosquito bit them.

This is actually from those that are rebounding properly. When the itching starts the session should be stopped immediately. This itching is very common on spring rebounders when bouncing while barely coming off the mat. When the lymph system and blood circulation happens faster than the body can handle it. This is why they say to only go 2 minutes at a time. If bouncing with your toes first no one I over talked to has got that itchy feeling. The Cellerciser emails were the only ones that mentioned this itchiness. This is probably because their is more G force at the bounces without jumping high off the mat. If jumping high off the mat their will probably be no itching and therefore the hydraulic pump in the lymph vessels will not be created.

​Note: With rebounders that you have to jump higher out of the mat,
When the body is jumping and airborne more than the split second, such as on a bungee rebounder, being airborne for longer times stops the fluid from moving in the lymphatic system. It only takes a split second for new lymph to drain and the one way valves to push it through. Being in the air a long time like on a bungee cord rebounder is why we don't recommend the bungee rebounder for weight loss. If someone is going to use a bungee, the only one I recommend is the Jumpsport that you can put the highest tension on, not the models where you can't adjust the tension like on the earlier versions. It is possible to get the bounces per minute without leaving the mat but the g force will be much less so the lymph drainage that can be done on the right spring rebounder might take 3 times as long on the bungee.
A 20 minute rebounder session then would become a 60 minute session. Many people don't have the time to bounce for an hour or more twice a day.

The Reboundair and Needak also give a great health bounce to lose weight. The Reboundair gives more G force and more repetition but for those with bad backs or who are very heavy, the bounce feels a little flat. The Needak gives the softest bounce if just bouncing without leaving the mat but I find that you have to bounce a little higher out of the mat than the Cellerciser to get the same G force. The Needak is softer if you just want to bounce the same amplitude out of the mat a the Cellerciser but if comparing the same G force, at the same height, the Cellerciser is higher.

If doing cardio exercises, I do not recommend the Lymphaciser or Reboundair. They have the least amount of bounce. The Needak and the Cellerciser are the most responsive. The Cellerciser has the most even bouncing so if doing twists and high jumping where you land in different positions each time, its better to have a larger sweet spot so the tension is more even throughout the mat.

I like the bungee the most for doing toning exercises but for very quick cardio routines, the bungee because it has so much deceleration and your feet sink in too much out of the mat, the mat is not "springy" enough and not as responsive to do these dynamic cardio routines.

The Lymphaciser is probably the best rebounder for cardio as the mat is firm and as long as someone doesn't have a bad back. It is not the best for the Health bounce for very light people but if someone is mainly doing it for cardio and the Health bounce as a second priority, this is would be a number one pick.

Overall for weight loss on a rebounder, weather it be doing the Health bounce for draining the toxins out of the fat or doing cardio routines, my favorites are in this order:

Best: Cellerciser
2nd: Lymphaciser
3rd: Needak

These picks are with the Health Bounce as a 2nd priority and for weight loss as a number one priority as burning calories.
Compare the top Lymphatic Rebounders
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The most important page on this site
The WRONG WAY to do the lymphatic Health Bounce
Go to Health Bounce Page

#1 Rule of Rebounding
for lymphatic rebounding

Always land on heels and roll to toe.
This can only be done with a minimal initial tension based on your weight.

Call 1-877-354-3778 for help choosing a rebounder.

Rebounders for weight loss

So if technique is important then what this means is that buying the right rebounder for helping with weight loss is 50% of the equation and the other 50% is technique while using it. Probably the best example is how one of the most popular brands of rebounder coined the term “health bounce” as a rebounding technique used to focus all the forces put on the body into flushing the lymphatic system optimally. 

The way this technique is performed is by pushing down on the heels to give an upward movement but not too much force so that the toes still remain on the mat. The only part of the foot that comes off the mat is the heels. When landing the heels receive 90% of the weight. The other key to this form is making sure the knees are almost unbent. Do not lock the knees but bend them just slightly. As you do this and are bouncing see if you can notice how you feel the forces of gravity more in your upper body and head with your knees less bent versus more bent and also when landing and rising on your heels versus toes. 

So in this technique it’s all about getting as many bounces in during a session to flush the lymphatic system. This technique became so popular that there was a rebounder company that created their equipment to efficiently use that specific movement. With that brand I do like the efficiency of how many bounces I can get per minute but sometimes I also like to use other movements as well over the course of a week so I have to use my other favorite rebounder brand as well.  

I’ll be honest I use even a third brand of rebounder for other more dynamic exercises that involve jumping very high off the mat. Some tell me they would love to do all the different movements I do but they are not going to spend all that money on three rebounders and is there just one that will do it all?! The answer is there is one brand that can support 80% of every type of movement. Some movements it is perfect on and others it’s pretty close to other brands that just specialize in those other movements. 

I talk about technique a lot and I personally am a fan of doing a variety of routines if the goal is weight loss. Why? Because with the exception of the health bounce type of movement I explained above, the body can adapt very quickly to different types of movements and if the goal is keeping the rate of fat loss high then a variety of movements will keep challenging the body. 

Let me give an example, some rebounders are much more challenging to maintain balance on. The body needs to work much harder to bounce on them and this can equate to more calories burned. Also some rebounders have the option of a bar. Sometimes this can be helpful for when a lot of movements and routines want to be performed on the rebounder. Some of the routines call for use of a bar in order to accomplish them. If one has a desire to work the body out then a bar will add new potential movements into the mix. Resistance bands also are an easy way to challenge the muscles more and incorporate bouncing and resistance onto the upper body. They can easily be placed under the rebounder regardless of the brand. 

Is weight a factor that can affect the results a rebounder can give?
Yes! I specifically warn people all the time that if they weight above a certain amount they should not consider certain brands unless they want to keep replacing certain parts on those rebounders. It can get expensive. This gets us back to the whole debate between when a person wants a rebounder with bungee resistance cords versus metal springs. Please see the Buying Based on Your Weight page on the site for more info on this. 

To put it simply some rebounders can generate more stress and forces on the body and this can lead to greater calories burned over time.
...because not all rebounders are designed for detox and lymph drainage
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1. Are your ankles weak, and do you possibly have trouble with pronation (cocking-inward)?
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2. Are your knees weak?
3. Do you have any balance problems?
4. Are you concerned with your weight?
5. Do you suffer from back pain?
6. Are you sensitive to chemical and plastic leaching (vapors from synthetic materials)?
7. Are you interested in rebounding to improve your health (lymph workouts) or do the Health Bounce?
8. Are you interested in rebounding as a low-effort form of fat burning or cardio exercise?
9. How much do you weigh?
10. Is noise level an issue where you plan to rebound?
11. If you're going to sweat a lot on the rebounder, how do you prefer to clean it?
​12. Which grade of rebounder do you want?
13. Which rebounder brand are you most interested in?
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yes, very much so
somewhat so
not at all, I have strong ankles
very much
not really
I don't have balance problems
somewhat troubled
out of wack
yes, I'm overweight
yes, I'm underweight
no, I'm satisfied with my weight, thank you
yes, I have back pain
my back is fine
If the rebounder off-gasses, I don't want it
somewhat, it annoys me
not really
Lymph drainage is my biggest concern
not really
cardio is my main concern
will be doing some cardio
not really
130 or below
130 to 180
180 to 300
I need a quiet rebounder
some noise is ok
I don't mind squeaking
wipe it down and then dry it
get a non-rusting, sweat-resistant mat that doesn't have to be cleaned each time
Sporting good store Grade
Commercial Grade - springs rarely need changing