Most people naturally land on their toes first.
The correct way to do the lymphatic health bounce is to land on your heals first. The smaller the mat the more G force. 
When you get your rebounder, if this is what is happening when you do the Health Bounce, you bought the wrong rebounder. Depending on your weight, one type can be better or worse for you.
The health bounce is when the rebounder gives just enough G force to make you air born for a split second without being in the air any longer than you need to. The heavier the spring the more responsive it is that will give higher G force closer to the mat instead of having to go several inches higher out of the mat to get the same G force.

I don't sell the cheap sporting good store grade rebounders that have springs that are 50 grams or less, such as the picture to the right.

Compare the different types of Spring types and weights to get the perfect Health Bounce.
4 teaspoons of lymph exchanges per minute should be the goal. Each type of spring gives a different bounce per minute count and mainly depends on the weight of the person. The Cellerciser is the only one I have tested that adjusts to the weight. Some have a flat, bottom out feel that you have to expend more energy to do the health bounce and others give many more free bounces where you are working with more momentum with a heavier spring.

Springs at this weight can't generate enough G force to accelerate you just above the mat to flush the lymphatic channels. These are nowhere near over 100 grams per spring that gives the Health Bounce.

Lymphatic Rebounding Hazards: Don't buy till you read this.

Moving 4 teaspoons of lymph per minute on a high repetition rebounder can cause many problems if not on a probiotic or the person has a messed up liver. Everyone wants to lose fat and ends up bouncing on a rebounder. When the oils that are being burned in the liver, they leave ashes and residue, just like ashes in a fireplace.

Rebounding is a part of a multi layer approach to getting all the swelling out of the body. About 99% of the people that just bounce and don't know what they are doing don't get results. I have personally called back about 200 people that mentioned they had lymphatic issues on my quiz from day one. I asked if they still are using the rebounder they bought from me. All the people that got rid of their swelling and lymphatic problems were the ones that knew what they were doing. I gave a free 30 minute consultation with every rebounder. Almost 9 out of 10 didn't even take the free call.

I strongly suggest that anyone rebounding for the first time learns the proper way to rebound. Most people don't even buy the right type of rebounder and get springs that are not heavy or responsive enough for their weight at the low amplitude Health Bounce.
People are rebounding for years thinking they are doing the Health Bounce. Most people jump and land on their toes just like they would jump rope. It is impossible to get the benefits everyone talks about when jumping like this. The ballistic impact is dampened to give the G force by not allowing you to jump high out of the mat and landing on your toes defeats the whole purpose of rebounding. It might feel unnatural to do the heal to toe rolling motion but it will come natural usually after a few sessions.
Not correct
The toxins diffusing from the body by the lymphatic system just dumps the waste into another eliminatory organ and the problem never gets resolved. Goes from one eliminatory organ to the other. So stupid that the "know it all" people don't need advice and think that someone was gonna try to sell them some supplements that they don't need. Sure enough, they stay swollen and never get the results that rebounding promises. Too many people with fibromyalgia and inflammatory problems have told me how they got rid of it. New people come to my site and don't consider that they are not in the best of health and just buy the rebounder and think they are going to get results they hear on the chart of benefits on some rebounder sales website. I am not going to preach or try to offer advice. Just know that it is part of the responsibility of selling a rebounder educate if someone wants it. I know if I sell someone a rebounder and I don't explain how to do the health bounce or tell them the detox concerns of moving too many teaspoons of lymphatic fluid in one session when just beginning is just setting people that buy a rebounder from me for failure. 

The people that do it wrong get the rashes and bumpy skin on the back of their arms and wonder why they suddenly got a rash. They blame the rebounder. The toxins are being released from the skin because the gut is so clogged up already and liver can't even process the wastes. I hate to speak to people like they are idiots but they are. I even gave a free probiotic with every rebounder if I didn't have to pay the rebounding coaches for the 30 minute call. I'm not gonna start offering unsolicited advice to people that I think need my help. It's like telling a fat friend of mine to workout and go to the gym and it makes them not want to go even more. 

Rebounding is supposed to loosen up the muscles. Yea, for most people but when the body has exhausted the normal eliminatory organs, they settle in the connective tissues causing all kinds of problems. 

What pisses me off even more is that the people selling these just sell them and don't feel its their duty to give the education that goes along with it. It's my duty to tell people what I know if they are buying a rebounder from me. I'm not gonna push people but the people that know I offer it can come to me or my coaches when they are ready.

When the toxins are all built up in the connective tissues, it then goes back into the bloodstream and it then goes back into the fat cells, its a never ending circle for people that don't know what they are doing. Can somebody say "Detox! 

Depending on the spring, it will determine h0w much lymph fluid is flushed

ONE TEASPOON of lymph per minute: Typically the cheap lightweight non-tiered spring that is found on the 50 dollar sporting good store brands. Just know that they can be jarring especially since you have to jump about 4 times as long to get the same benefits as a rebounder designed for the Health Bounce. 80 minutes on here would equal about 15 to 20 minutes on the best one for your weight.

TWO TEASPOONS of lymph per minute: These springs have a little more weight to them and are usually about 50 to 80 grams per spring. They are still jarring and don't give nearly 3 G force yet at amplitudes just above the mat. These typically double the session time to get the same amount of lymphatic flush that the best spring for your weight would give

THREE TEASPOONS of lymph per minute: These are typically the springs that are 80 to 100 grams per spring. These are heavy enough to give the health bounce and the closer to 100 grams the more responsive they are giving more G force at the low amplitudes. This weight takes out most of the ballistic impact letting you bounce for longer session which doesn't hurt most people's knees or ankles. The closer to 100 grams the closer to 4 teaspoons of lymph fluid can be exchanged.

FOUR TEASPOONS of lymph per minute: These are typically the springs that are tiered at the end that gently adjust in tension to taper off to give that pop at the acceleration of the bounce. These are the springs that are known for moving 4 teaspoons of lymph per minute. These are typically over 100 grams per spring each. These springs cut down rebounding time as you get more cumulative G force over a shorter period of time. The springs like these gently pop you up just above the mat instead of throwing you higher above the mat to get the same G force. These give the most bounces per minute of all springs.
If the body is not adapted yet to moving 4 teaspoons of lymph per minute, its best to either cut down the session time or bounce with lower intensity. Please take a probiotic if you need one to help assimilate the lymphatic ash burned from the liver.

Sweat Spot & Health Bounce: Each rebounder has a smaller or larger sweet spot, or jumping area before it starts to cone in at the middle of the mat which turns in the ankles. The lighter the springs the more the mat will cone in with heavier weight people. A 200 pound person will get a smaller sweat spot than a 150 pound person will get. A 200 pound person would usually prefer a spring over 100 grams. The less the mat has to sag the more surface area the mat will give. On the cheaper springs the responsiveness is possible but you have to spread your feet out close to the edge of the mat to get a firmer bounce which is not the most natural way to jump with the legs at an angle past shoulder width.

​Ways to get the most out of the Health Bounce:
Dry skin brushing: Before rebounding for about 3 to 4 minutes, get a black sheet and see how much dead skin comes off just in a 4 minute brushing session. Doing this before rebounding really helps the clogged oil glands in the skin release the sebaceous oils filled with toxins out of the body. Getting rid of the dead skin before rebounding really helps stimulate the lymph vessels under the skin.

ONce the skin is cleansed and the pores can function, the best way is to dry skin brush before you bounce to clear the pores so the sebaceous sweat can drain, not jus the water based sweat. Most people that don't do it can get the bumpy skin and rashes sooner or later. The skins has to be thoroughly cleaned before a rebounding session to get the most out of it. Up to 2 pounds can be eliminated through the skin during a rebounding session. Water, sebaceous oils and toxic waste.

Dry skin brushing can also bring blood to the skin surface and prep the lymph vessels for the rebounding session. Just having a good soap is not good enough. Taking a hot shower and turning it to cold to hot to cold to hot after the session helps restore the skin also. After showering, sitting in a bathtub with epson salt and apple cider vinegar, (get a full cup of it) and 4 cups of that salt. This really makes the big difference in drawing out the rest of the toxins that didn't come out during the rebounding session that were just on the verge which were diffused from the body fat. The cold and hot shower before the epson soak shuts on and off the pores really maximizes the whole effect of the experience.

This is all for the reason to get the swelling out of the body. Swelling is the sign of the body being over loaded with wastes.
When the lymphatic fluid is not flushed, toxins can build up in the chin like this. Doing the proper bounce can help flush the wastes out of the body. Exercise can burn calories but the toxins are always the sign of a poor lymphatic system. You can't hide the toxins where they store in the body but you can burn fat.
Jumping with the dry skin brushing and the shower and the bath every morning as a ritual of mine. The people that do it thank me later for giving this advice. It is best to do the ritual in the morning instead of the evening.

Health Bounce Warning:
Above mat time - too long:
The health bounce is when you barely have to leave the mat to get enough G force to throw you in the air to get that split second of weightless. When the body oscillates between increased G force and Zero G force, creating a compression/decompression, this diffuses fluid into and out of the cells, which carries fresh oxygen and nutrients inside and flushes toxins out.

The cleansing process is decreased significantly when the repetition count is slowed down. The rebounders we have chosen as our favorites have the highest repetition rate and keep you lowest to the mat.

There has to be enough pressure exerted on the lymphatic system when accelerating off the mat, even if you aren't leaving the mat. If the pop is too hard it will jar you even though it creates the G force. If it throws you up too slow, it won't activate the valves in the lymphatic channels enough to force fluid in and out of the cell.

The rebounders not designed for the health bounce will still move lymph, its just a matter of moving 4 teaspoons of fluid per minute or much less. The best rebounders can speed up the the lymph movement as much as 300% as others. A good session can cleanse the entire lymphatic system. After that, there needs to be enough time for the wastes to be processed in the body before the next session.
I recommend getting at least a 100 gram spring for anyone looking to do the Health Bounce and get the most responsive bounce.
The top rebounders for the Health Bounce should not invert your ankle and jar your knees.
Sludge blood is when the blood cannot hold its oxygen. Most low energy people have sludge blood. Rebounding is the best way I have found out of all the protocols I have seen to get rid of it.

Warning: The Health Bounce can make you itch, I mean to the point that you want to put some anti-itch cream on your legs. 80% of the lymphatic vessels are in our legs. I do not recommend toxic people to rebound more than 2 minutes at a time until the lymph can drain until the next session. The higher the gram size of the spring the more lymph turns possible.

​Different rebounders move different amounts of lymph per minute. The average range is 1 to 4 teaspoons of lymph per minute (lymph turns). The higher the repetition of bounces per minute the more lymph turns and the more G force per bounce the more flush.

The Lymphaciser has the most lymph "turns" out of all the rebounders I have tested and has a firm feel so I don't recommend it to those with any kind of joint issues. The new Cellerciser has somewhere in the middle as far as lymph turns but has higher flushing power per bounce. This is the softest rebounder and usually the best for people with bad backs, those with joint problems, and overweight as the 106 gram springs don't bottom out the mat.

The bungee rebounders give the fewest bounces per minute but with the least G force at the bottom of the bounce since the deep decelerations dampen the G force before you reach the bottom of the bounce. So, fewer bounces and lower g force is what the bungees give. It is hard to do the Health bounce for lymphatic drainage on a bungee because you can't bounce without leaving the mat and get the same G force as you would a spring so I do not recommend a bungee rebounder for bouncing for detox or any type of lymphatic drainage problems. If someone is going to get a bungee, the closest to doing the Health bounce is the Jumpsport with the highest tension cord setting and the smallest mat to avoid too much deceleration.

Overall my recommendation for a rebounder to do the Health Bounce is the Cellerciser. Multiplying the higher G force x the bounces per minute it gives with any weight class gives it the highest number we calculated.
Compare the top Lymphatic Rebounders
Compare our top rebounders here

#1 Rule of Rebounding
for lymphatic rebounding

Always land on heels and roll to toe.
This can only be done with a minimal initial tension based on your weight.

Call 1-877-354-3778 for help choosing a rebounder.

...because not all rebounders are designed for detox and lymph drainage
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1. Are your ankles weak, and do you possibly have trouble with pronation (cocking-inward)?
Takes just a couple of minutes!
This quiz will isolate all rebound-relavent issues and leave your contact information with the best time to call.

I will contact you personally and help you find the best deal on your new rebounder.
Better health and well-being are closer at hand than ever! 
2. Are your knees weak?
3. Do you have any balance problems?
4. Are you concerned with your weight?
5. Do you suffer from back pain?
6. Are you sensitive to chemical and plastic leaching (vapors from synthetic materials)?
7. Are you interested in rebounding to improve your health (lymph workouts) or do the Health Bounce?
8. Are you interested in rebounding as a low-effort form of fat burning or cardio exercise?
9. How much do you weigh?
10. Is noise level an issue where you plan to rebound?
11. If you're going to sweat a lot on the rebounder, how do you prefer to clean it?
​12. Which grade of rebounder do you want?
13. Which rebounder brand are you most interested in?
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Check only if: you want to be put on the waiting list for a demo, returned, used, scratched, or dented rebounder in stock.
Check here if you would like to have someone call you to help you pick out the right rebounder
yes, very much so
somewhat so
not at all, I have strong ankles
very much
not really
I don't have balance problems
somewhat troubled
out of wack
yes, I'm overweight
yes, I'm underweight
no, I'm satisfied with my weight, thank you
yes, I have back pain
my back is fine
If the rebounder off-gasses, I don't want it
somewhat, it annoys me
not really
Lymph drainage is my biggest concern
not really
cardio is my main concern
will be doing some cardio
not really
130 or below
130 to 180
180 to 300
I need a quiet rebounder
some noise is ok
I don't mind squeaking
wipe it down and then dry it
get a non-rusting, sweat-resistant mat that doesn't have to be cleaned each time
Sporting good store Grade
Commercial Grade - springs rarely need changing