Even bouncing and invertion
The best rebounder has the largest SWEET spot
and avoids ankle pronation and inversion.
Before you get a rebounder, know your type of bounce style. Are you going to do edge bouncing or center bouncing. Depending what is natural for you, some people bouncing with their feet closer to the edge and some people bounce more toward the center. If you don't know this can make a big difference in the number of bounces you get when doing the Health Bounce and also the number of free bounces you get and the ratio of air time to mat time. If you are going to buy a rebounder and don't know, my quiz can help you pinpoint the rebounder that will give you the type of rebounder based on your weight and jump style and expectations of the rebounder.

If you study the bowling ball example, you will see that given the same weight on different parts of the mat there are different g forces to the bowling ball. At the softer spots, to get the same g force of the firmer edge on some of the rebounders we tested we had to drop the ball at a higher amplitude to get the same amount of bounces. The goal of this test is to find which rebounder will give the most bounces per minute based on different weights without going out of the Health Bounce range.
Health Bounce: You NEVER leave your feet off the mat. (or depending on the rebounder, you might have to jump a little above the mat to get close to the range for the Health Bounce.

A good rebounder let's someone at ANY WEIGHT DO 120 to 130 bounces per minute.
Things that prevent the Health Bounce:
1. Too soft of a bounce. Gives less bounce. Less Resistance = Less lymphatic flush
2. Too Firm. Too much Jarring.
3. Acceleration should come from spring structure, not using muscles to jump in order to create g force. The rebounder should not be too soft nor too firm. Acceleration should enough to give 3 g forces WITHOUT LEAVING THE MAT.
Too much amplitude & with too little resistance CAN KEEP YOU IN THE AIR LONGER, LESS BOUNCES.
3. Too Firm. Can jar you and can prevent you from bouncing for longer times
4. Too much coning. When I look at the bottom I measure how much the mat cones in. Even if there is 3 g forces and the rebounder turns your ankles in, this can make it hard to do the Health Bounce. Many people jump with one foot on the edge and one foot in the middle to prevent coning but this usually throws you back to the center unless you are holding on to the bar. But, this can all be avoided by buying a rebounder that fits you. Kind of liking buying shoes. Since most people can't try them, I try to do all the experiments I can so I can pick out the right rebounder for someone.

Another way of looking at the bounce is how long you get the G forces for. A "flush" or pumping of the one way valves in the lymphatic system needs enough time to close and shut to make it pump. Some rebounders give a more constant force while you are on the mat and some give a more "pop" g force. Both can work but work differently with more or less bounces.

Examples A


Example B
1g..2g.....3g........and then the ascend 3g......2g......1.........
1g..........2g........3g... and then the ascend 3g..........2g.........1g.....

Different rebounders give me a different flush. There are rebounders where you have to jump higher to get the 3 g forces and you have longer times on the mat but also longer times in the air, this gives more of a constant g force. This is similar to being thrown in the air. Totally different than being gently popped into the air. Cheap rebounders pop you in the air too suddenly. I do notice the differences in the smell of my sweat on different rebounders with different g force constants. 

​Everyone is doing tests on which rebounder doesn't jar you the most. There are review website that seem to have rebounders that are only tested with people that would naturally pick one over the other.

There are websites out there to confuse you into buying a rebounder that you would normally not pick out if you had a chance to try it before purchasing.

Many people think that you need to take out all the ballistic impact from bouncing but most people that are buying rebounders really need them for lymphatic movement who do not have an efficient eliminatory system. These people prefer to move lymph and the "health bounce" is the way that is the most efficient way to move lymph. So, if you weight over 250 lbs, you might need a firmer rebounder to give you the health bounce without giving you less bounces per minute or sacrificing G-force.

Someone that is 110 lbs might think that a really soft rebounder is too firm for them. Someone who couldn't pick out a rebounder because they are all too firm will appreciate knowing which is better for their weight for doing lymphatic exercise without over-bouncing with too little G-force or too much bounce since it was too soft causing fewer jumps per minute to get the desired 3 G-force.

So, all the talk and comparisons on "which one is the least jarring" is there to steer you away from the objective. The way to decide on which rebounder to get is to find out how many G forces you want with the least aplitude and frequency of bounces you are trying to get. The more bounces you can get per minute, the more flushing you will get.

The less G-Force, usually the less firm and less jarring when doing high bounces but there can be a major sacrifice in G-Force and if lymph movement is a concern, take these factors into consideration.
The goal is to get as many lymphatic flushing bounces per minute while trying to stay at 3 G forces. The excess time I am in the air is not doing anything nor is not getting enough mat time. If the mat is too soft and sags too much, you might have to jump harder to get the 3 G forces and will be in the air more and have less bounces per minute. If it is too hard for you, it's just the opposite problem.

Longer springs will make the bounce smoother and lowers the ballistic impact but sacrifices G-force. I do not think this is what people should strive for. The most G-force with as little ballistic impact should be the goal if you are using a rebounder for lymphatic movement. You would not strive for this if only exercise was your concern.

We are TRYING to get G-force, unlike a trampoline, which tries to make the landing as soft as you can get while giving the highest amplitude, or most bounces per minute. The softer bounces tend to be more energy draining and more work in order to get the lymphatic drainage most people want. This is more common on the longer springs. If you want a soft bounce with a standard size spring, you will get the softest bounce but in order to get the responsiveness to do the Health Bounce without having longer springs that you have to jump higher to get this, you will have to change springs.

You can buy a short spring, but that can limit you to ONLY stiffer bounces. The new 2010 Cellerciser, for example, gives the G force in tiers. If someone weighs more, they will simply use the extra 2nd tier or 3rd tier, and not the whole spring. If someone is only 110 lbs, it's nice that it only uses the 1st tier and not the 2nd or 3rd tier unless its ONLY necessary. The Needak utilizes the entire spring giving a smooth bounce that does not jar you as it utilizes the entire spring and stretches as much as it needs to without the jarring that most standard sized springs give.

If you are going to go for a stiffer bounce, it should not be jerky (It should not be too hard to cause ballistic impact.

Compare the top Lymphatic Rebounders
Compare our top rebounders here
The most important page on this site
The WRONG WAY to do the lymphatic Health Bounce
Go to Health Bounce Page

#1 Rule of Rebounding
for lymphatic rebounding

Always land on heels and roll to toe.
This can only be done with a minimal initial tension based on your weight.

Call 1-877-354-3778 for help choosing a rebounder.

...because not all rebounders are designed for detox and lymph drainage
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1. Are your ankles weak, and do you possibly have trouble with pronation (cocking-inward)?
Takes just a couple of minutes!
This quiz will isolate all rebound-relevant issues and leave your contact information with the best time to call.

I will contact you personally and help you find the best deal on your new rebounder.
Better health and well-being are closer at hand than ever! 
2. Are your knees weak?
3. Do you have any balance problems?
4. Are you concerned with your weight?
5. Do you suffer from back pain?
6. Are you sensitive to chemical and plastic leaching (vapors from synthetic materials)?
7. Are you interested in rebounding to improve your health (lymph workouts) or do the Health Bounce?
8. Are you interested in rebounding as a low-effort form of fat burning or cardio exercise?
9. How much do you weigh?
10. Is noise level an issue where you plan to rebound?
11. If you're going to sweat a lot on the rebounder, how do you prefer to clean it?
​12. Which grade of rebounder do you want?
13. Which rebounder brand are you most interested in?
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Take the Rebounding Quiz Below

Check only if: you want to be put on the waiting list for a demo, returned, used, scratched, or dented rebounder in stock.
Check here if you would like to have someone call you to help you pick out the right rebounder
yes, very much so
somewhat so
not at all, I have strong ankles
very much
not really
I don't have balance problems
somewhat troubled
out of wack
yes, I'm overweight
yes, I'm underweight
no, I'm satisfied with my weight, thank you
yes, I have back pain
my back is fine
If the rebounder off-gasses, I don't want it
somewhat, it annoys me
not really
Lymph drainage is my biggest concern
not really
cardio is my main concern
will be doing some cardio
not really
130 or below
130 to 180
180 to 300
I need a quiet rebounder
some noise is ok
I don't mind squeaking
wipe it down and then dry it
get a non-rusting, sweat-resistant mat that doesn't have to be cleaned each time
Sporting good store Grade
Commercial Grade - springs rarely need changing