I get questioned every day about how long should I use the rebounder. It is not the same for everyone.
Someone who is very toxic probably won't want to do it for 30 minutes at a time. Knowing the body has about 6 quarts of blood, and it has to be circulated by the heart and most people don't have the cardio to do as many lymph turns as needed to do an intense cardio workout where you can't even catch your breath in a 30 minutes session.
Doing the Health bounce for 5 minutes (heal to toe) is about the same as walking for 2 miles but the heart is not pumping at the same speed. Health bouncing uses very little energy. Many people who are very toxic find rebounding 2 to 5 minutes at a time every hour give them the most benefit. This is usually better for people that I have talked to that have swelling and a very sluggish lymphatic system. Usually those who sit all day at a desk.
Using a rebounder for 5 to 20 minutes is usually the best as long as someone can process the lymph drainage. There are some good probiotics out there that can help with this waste. I strongly recommend taking an aggressive probiotic, not the cheap stuff that doesn't work that most people take when I ask them what brand they take.
I recommend anyone using the rebounder for the first time to only jump 100 times the first time, then 100 bounces the next hour. If you need to scale up or scale back this will be a guide. So many people have not moved lymph in so long that their liver can't handle the wastes. Again, I strongly recommend an aggressive probiotic to assist with the lymph.
Rebounding times also depends on the type of rebounder you get. One that keeps you weightless for a split second is better for doing the lymphatic health bounce while a rebounder that keeps you higher in the air being weightless for longer times, such a bungee rebounder, gives much less bounces per minute and less G force. The lymph valves take very little force to open and close. It is not about how hard you land. It is about having just enough force to open and close the lymph valves.
The rebounders that give the most g force without leaving the mat are going to shorten the session times as more drainage occurs with more bounces per minute and more g force. The Cellerciser is my top pick for lymph flushing based on the amount of G force and bounces per minute. The bungee does work but might take a lot longer to get the same results you would with a rebounder designed to do the Health bounce.
With a high g force rebounder, it is not about the amount of g force but the g force at the bottom of the bounce where it puts 3 g forces of pressure on the cells. The negative pressure is known to help build bone density and strengthen the joints. The rebounders that slow the person down with a longer deceleration once the feet hit the mat have a lower g force at the bottom of the bounce. A bungee rebounder is an example. The bungee rebounder has an exaggerated deceleration and you don't feel that pop at the bottom but more of a throwing motion back up.
The stimuli that people feel with this pop at the bottom of the bounce is what helps move the lymph and flush out the wastes. For many people starting out, walking in place for 1 minute then doing the Health bounce for 1 minute, then jogging for 1 minute. If you can't jog for a minute you can shorten it to about 30 seconds until you build up to it.
Doing this for 10 minutes is considered a session. This should be repeated 2 to 3 times during the day.
My top picks for doing a shorter lymphatic rebounder session is the Cellerciser. If you have extra time, the Needak is my 2nd pick.
If you are going to be watching TV for an 30 minutes and you have time to do this 2 or 3 more times per day, then a bungee can work. The bungees take much more time to get the same workout. The smaller the mat on a bungee the more responsive it is. If you want to shorten the workout, the smallest JumpSport bungee rebounder is my top pick.
I strongly recommend trying both types to see how they feel. I like the Cellerciser the best. Although I love the feeling of rebounding I don't always have the time. So, if I can get more results in less time, I choose the Cellerciser to get the shortest session times.