Everyday someone is contacting me about their bone density issues. I want to state right here what I tell everyone with these issues so I don’t have to keep repeating myself. Bone Density issues are first and foremost caused by nutritional deficiencies…ie..Diet. Unless….you are an astronaut in space or someone who is wheelchair bound.
In some cases specific models and brands of rebounders are better suited for certain conditions based on how the manufacturer designed them. I have even found that some of these manufacturers do not take into consideration the biomechanics of the body and sometimes design something that can exert harmful force applications on the body and make certain conditions worse. Sometimes a manufacturer will design a rebounder for one type of movement application, but market and sell it for a completely different kind that it really is not supportive for the person. I do my best to try to expose this on my site.
Perfect example if someone has weak ankles or planters fasciitis then I usually have specific recommendations of which rebound system will create the right kind of tension on the mat so that it stays almost completely flat the whole way through the bounce.
OK, for people that have a bad back I would choose a spring rebounder no questions asked. It seems that a bungee would be gentler on an already compromised back but it is not. I have sold both types of rebounders to people with bad backs and just about everyone that rebounders on a regular basis likes the spring rebounder if they have a back problem and they want to increase their bone mass. If there is not enough G force the body cannot stimulate growth hormone (HGH) and the bone cells (osteoblasts) cannot do their job. Based on what I have learned even if a bungee model is easy on the back if the back is not too compromised, the g force is much different than on a spring model. See my section on "push vs POP". Each can have 3 g force but if you have to come out of the mat so high that the negative pressure in the lymphatic vessels is paused when air born, the lymphatic flush might slow.
Bones need G force to build back up and to regrow. I am not making this up. Google "Wolfe's Law" if you didn't learn that in Anatomy 101. So many people also bounce with their toes and even if they have the right rebounder they won't get the benefits that rebounding offers. The new Cellerciser and the Soft Bounce Needak are my two favorite for people who have bad backs. The new Cellerciser has a different feel than the Needak but both will give the same results as far as bone density is concerned. The Cellerciser, you don't have to jump so far out of the mat to get the same G force.
If someone already has a bad back then and cannot handle any jarring, the Cellerciser is my first choice if doing the Health bounce and the Needak is my 2nd pick. With a bad back you don't want to have to bounce higher to get the same flushes you can get with a low bounce. This is really to firm for most people that I talk to with bad backs. Concerning bungees, I would only recommend the smallest Jumpsport as it gives more G force with the smaller mat and you don't have to jump so high to gain G force. The smaller the mat, the more bounces per minute you can get. More lymphatic flushing.
Bone Density Favorites:
Best: New Cellerciser
2nd: Needak
3rd: Jumpsport
The lymphaciser is good if someone is not concerned with toning or cardio exercises where you have to jump higher than just above the mat with the Health Bounce. I would put this at number 2 if this is the situation.
Compare the top Lymphatic Rebounders